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Tag Archives: computers
Inspiring Success story of FaceBook
Mark Zuckerberg’s father said in a radio interview Friday that an early exposure to computers inspired his son’s interest in technology, and he encouraged parents to support their children’s strengths and passions with a balance of “work and play.” “My … Continue reading

Inspiring interview with Larry Page, Founder of Google
Larry Page, what is responsible for your early progress in life? How did you get to where you are so quickly? Larry Page: I think I was really lucky to have the environment I did when I was growing up. … Continue reading

Software Engineer-to-be at 16!
Imagine this: a sixteen-year-old schoolboy, with a plum job offer at hand? Hard to believe? It was for us too – till we met Arvind Thiagarajan, an unassuming standard XII lad from DAV Chennai with an impressive title – Bell … Continue reading