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Tag Archives: success
Famous People Who Failed At First – II
Public Figures From politicians to talk show hosts, these figures had a few failures before they came out on top. Winston Churchill: This Nobel Prize-winning, twice-elected Prime Minster of the United Kingdom wasn't always as well regarded as he is … Continue reading

Inspiring interview with Larry Page, Founder of Google
Larry Page, what is responsible for your early progress in life? How did you get to where you are so quickly? Larry Page: I think I was really lucky to have the environment I did when I was growing up. … Continue reading

Failures are Never Fatal – Learn from Life of Great People.
A candidate for news broadcaster’s post was rejected because of his voice. He was also told that with his obnoxiously long name, he would never be famous. – He is Amitabh Bachchan. ———————————————————————————————— A small boy – the fifth … Continue reading

From TN hut to New Jersey assembly
He spent his adolescent years in a hut in Chennai. Today, he is deputy speaker of the New Jersey State Assembly. Upendra J Chivukula is, in his own words, “an example of the adage — education is the greatest equaliser.” … Continue reading